Terry Bunting, HHO Service & Training Director, has been a part of the team since before HHO was founded. During the initial concepting and testing of what Hydrogen Carbon Cleaning could provide to consumers, fleet owners, and businesses, Terry was right alongside Jared in the garage, running experiments on as many engines as could be found. Terry brings to the team a wealth of experience in both the automotive repair and automotive sales industries, and was the perfect choice as the original mobile service technician for HHO Carbon Clean Systems, LLC.
Mr. Bunting now serves in a senior role, training incoming franchisees and testing the latest marketing and sales strategies in the field. He is a frequent provider of lunch at HHO headquarters, as his love of sharing his latest culinary techniques keeps everyone at the office very well fed. Terry is particularly fond of cooking wild game and the flavor of the day usually changes with the hunting seasons. With Terry’s guidance, incoming franchisees will return to their territories with both mind and belly full, ready to go to work in the Hydrogen Carbon Cleaning industry.